Egodeath Yahoo Group – Digest 143 (2015-12-11)

Group: egodeath Message: 7340 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7341 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7342 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7343 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Seizure wound: the center of transformation
Group: egodeath Message: 7345 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7346 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bks: Self illus., no-free-will, cog neuroTheol, neoPsych, no-Jes
Group: egodeath Message: 7347 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bks: Self illus., no-free-will, cog neuroTheol, neoPsych, no-Jes
Group: egodeath Message: 7348 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7349 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7350 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7351 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7352 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7353 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Bk: Entheogens, Society & Law, Hardison & Waterman
Group: egodeath Message: 7354 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7356 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Hot topics in Egodeath
Group: egodeath Message: 7357 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7358 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7359 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Academic activism
Group: egodeath Message: 7360 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7361 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7362 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7363 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism
Group: egodeath Message: 7364 From: egodeath Date: 15/12/2015
Subject: Print = falsehoods, Cyberspace = truth
Group: egodeath Message: 7365 From: egodeath Date: 15/12/2015
Subject: Re: Print = falsehoods, Cyberspace = truth
Group: egodeath Message: 7366 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Group: egodeath Message: 7367 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Group: egodeath Message: 7368 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Group: egodeath Message: 7369 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Group: egodeath Message: 7370 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7371 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7372 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7373 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7374 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7375 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7377 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Enlightenment is about cybernetics, not unity
Group: egodeath Message: 7378 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7379 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Group: egodeath Message: 7380 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7382 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7384 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7385 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7387 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7388 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7389 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Group: egodeath Message: 7390 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7391 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Group: egodeath Message: 7392 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
Group: egodeath Message: 7395 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
Group: egodeath Message: 7396 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
Group: egodeath Message: 7397 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders

Group: egodeath Message: 7340 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Wound seizure in creation of Eve from Adam's rib: An example of how I almost never post early, weak hypotheses/conjectures that carry a risk of being wrong.

The weakly founded speculation that maybe perhaps a conjectural hypothesis is that {control seizure wound/birth opening equals creation of female Eve from male Adam}

Here is a good current example of an idea that's borderline at the threshold of being ready to write about that I haven't mentioned, and why I refrain from writing about weak early hypotheses, because I do not want anything incorrect to be posted. I do not want a repeat of my failures my writing incorrect information

99.9% of what I have posted has been correct

The times that I regret that I have posted false, incorrect information is when I have crossed my fingers and asserted things that are not yet meeting the bar for the number of connections in my theory

Moses' snake on time pole in 2006 main article: FAIL

I only want to post ideas that meet the bar where I can guarantee they have merit

I am certain I have never mentioned this before the present posting: {control seizure wound birth organ = creation of Eve from Adam's rib side}

and only now do I have a chance of writing something correct about this mytheme

so that's one reason why I would not mention an idea until it was well formed

I tend to not mention an idea until I'm certain

so you see here one constraint that guides when I post about a conjecture

I do not want to prove to be wrong

it is not my been my policy to write about weak hypotheses so I have been (almost always) censoring my posts and deliberately but almost unconsciously refraining from mentioning an idea until I am certain, until I have made adequate connections

this idea about the creation of Eve from Adam's rib, I feel this idea is not ready to assert yet

I aim to be able to say that everything I have written is correct

when I wrote about the time pole of Moses' snake on a pole, I was wrong, and I am almost never wrong

As long as I clearly label an early weakly connected hypothesis conjecture as such, there's nothing wrong with posting an early conjecture hypothesis that turns out to be wrong

being wrong is an inherent part of science, but I aim to be the guy who's always right as far as what I permit to be publicly posted, publicly asserted

So now I understand why often typically by the time I post about something for the first time, I've already been thinking about it for years

why didn't I mention thus deciding earlier? because I did not yet have enough connections to guarantee that it is correct.

I will repeat myself because Siri has malfunctioned

my posting policy has been to censor myself and not mention an early hypothesis

I have self-centered in order to avoid writing anything weak or likely wrong

I have wanted to guarantee that everything I write passes the test of time and has merit

exceptions have been when I wrote about the snake: at first I speculated on, I I repeated what I had read in circa 2000 entheogen history books (Dan Russell?) that the snake was visionary plants because of shedding skin and toxins (truth is, because worldline-shaped, as I accidentally whimsically drew in ink brush around 1995).

and so there I was working out an idea in public and I had not yet certainly solved that decoding problem

I did not yet have a correct hypothesis

My policy has been to post findings/discoveries, not mere conjectures. That explains now to me why didn't I mention such-and-so mytheme decoding before: because it didn't meet the bar for certainty

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7341 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
The nice thing, the benefit about having posted incorrect writing about {Moses' snake on a pole} is that I have evidence of how very long I had been working on decoding snake versus tree: 2006-2013, 7 years to decode that most-key mytheme — longer if you consider my ~2003 first conscious conjecture posting that snake = worldline like I naturally drew in ~1995, and was skeptical about Wilber's snake conjecture in developmental psychology around 1986.

Certainly I have been working on snake vs tree elements decoding since ~2003 (snake = worldline) to really solve it 2013: 10 years of decoding work.

In 2006, I did not have the concept of the *contrast* of snake versus tree, I did not at that time recognize a pole as a tree (a pole as a debranched tree).

Then November 23, 2011 I did not employ or connect the words Possibilism vs Eternalism, but I had a breakthrough not a complete breakthrough yet on tree versus snake.

Finally November 29, 2013 I had the full complete compact breakthrough that {tree vs snake = Possibilism vs Eternalism}.

Then (follow-on jackpot) I developed that through until finally March 2014 I drew excellent illustrations and explanation in the coffeehouse book, see photograph at Yahoo group, including staff of Asclepius, and by that time the Greek rock-statue prop convention of {snake winding up tree-trunk}.

Now every day, I go past roughly debranched trees used to hold up an array of communication panels I think: sturdy poles formed by the act of debranching trees.

And I have a true philosopher's staff that I accidentally created without thinking about it, when I did yard work and was breaking down branches to fit them into the bin, I found myself holding a debranched stick, a debranched branch – a philosoper's staff that I had accidentally created, as depicted in numerous illustrations in Carpenter's Art and Myth.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7342 From: egodeath Date: 11/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
Search Yahoo group: when did I first post attempting to decode {Jesus on a *tree*, hung from a "tree"}, as they often say?

Since when was Jesus crucified on a tree? That really stood out to me every time I read it. And I noticed {Absalom hung from a tree by his hair caught in a tree} and {a man hung from a tree is accursed by God}.

See the date when I posted first about king *Pentheus* spying on Dionysus caught in a tree. At that time I was recognizing that we have a *group* of instances, forming a myththeme-category, {king in tree}.

So I started recognizing that that was an important key mytheme to decode, because I was seeing *multiple instances across* Greek myth and the Bible.

Later, relatively recently, around 2014, I found a perfect esoteric alchemy illustration literally showing a king in a tree together with other king alchemy depictions in that illustration.

That is the history record of the tree half of my early decoding of {tree versus snake}, a trajectory which all came together with the snake decoding trajectory 2003, … 2010 to 2014 increasingly.

It is possible to fit this into the silly crude model of the so-called "scientific method" of (supposedly) forming a hypothesis, predicting the outcome, testing it, et cetera; that just-so story by which science is *not* really done except as a crude representation, artificial. Scientific progress would never have happened had scientist actually followed that silly crude supposedly method turn the crank and here's scientific progress rubbish. That model is more misleading than helpful.

Scientific progress is more a matter of continuous jiggling of the model, trying variations of the model, many observations many kinds of observations, many clues and leads, far messier and far more dynamic of a matching fitting adjusting process, then the theories are used as a lens to attempt to view the data, and especially to gather more data, and to recognize more potential ways of observing and looking and searching out data.

It's a far more feedback, there's far more feedback and iterative loops in attempting to look for evidence and then adjusting theory to better perceive potential evidence; a matchmaking, adjusting, re-observing feedback fitting process.

TV detective shows provide a far better model of the scientific process than that ridiculous schoolboy just-so story of a "turn the crank scientific method", as if we could talk about "the detective method that detectives appy" in TV detective shows.

Or as if we could talk about "the deciphering method" — "to decipher a code, apply these steps".

Closer is "anything goes" — The method used by hackers, their step-by-step turn-the-crank process is: anything goes; by hook or crook; WHATEVER WORKS.

That's my "scientific method that I used" for this science breakthrough, Loose Cognitive Cybernetics.

That is "the scientific method, which I used" to solve the greatest problem science faced, and the most important problem science has been applied to: formulating the Cybernetic Theory of Ego Transcendence (1988) and then applying that as the key to decode religious mythology per the Entheogen Eternalism Theory of Myth (2001, 2006, 2013, 2015).

What is the process used by engineers to figure useful sh*t out? By what process did Edison and Armstrong and Tesla figure electrical sh*t out? Hypothesis then prediction and then confirmation? Useless simplistic nonsense!

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7343 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Seizure wound: the center of transformation
I think this vein is large and would take a lot to talk about

I think that the seizure wound is a very large very central topic

I have not written very much I have not written a ton about it but I think what I've written has been rock solid and lots of fecund points about direct cybernetics and about particularly potent metaphors

this I think is a particularly rich and particularly central theme and mental dynamic

It needs several layers like much to be written about direct cybernetics and cognitive science of seizure, defining possibly several senses of the word 'seizure' here, and around that, multiple layers of metaphors connected-in

Yes the {snake} is a key topic and the number one mytheme, and the {king} is important, but really where the action is at, all the transformation pivotal action really centers around the {seizure wound}

by that phrase I mean seizure as a direct cybernetic description combined with wound as a system of metaphor analogy;

Cybernetic control failure capability
combined with
Metaphors for that: wound, opening, birth canal, hole in the side, cave opening

… is what I have in mind with the phrase {seizure wound}; a particularly fertile combination of direct cybernetics reference and descriptive metaphor

So I think a fresh thread is needed that is firmly centered around that; seizure wound

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7345 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
I think this vein is large and would take a lot to talk about

I think that the seizure wound is a very large very central topic

I have not written very much I have not written a ton about it but I think what I've written has been rock solid and lots of fecund points about direct cybernetics and about particularly potent metaphors

this I think is a particularly rich and particularly central theme and mental dynamic

It needs several layers like much to be written about direct cybernetics and cognitive science of seizure, defining possibly several senses of the word 'seizure' here, and around that, multiple layers of metaphors connected-in

Yes the {snake} is a key topic and the number one mytheme, and the {king} is important, but really where the action is at, all the transformation pivotal action really centers around the {seizure wound}

by that phrase I mean seizure as a direct cybernetic description combined with wound as a system of metaphor analogy;

Cybernetic control failure capability
combined with
Metaphors for that: wound, opening, birth canal, hole in the side, cave opening

… is what I have in mind with the phrase {seizure wound}; a particularly fertile combination of direct cybernetics reference and descriptive metaphor

So I think a fresh thread is needed that is firmly centered around that; seizure wound

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7346 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bks: Self illus., no-free-will, cog neuroTheol, neoPsych, no-Jes
It could very well just be my current frame of mind but I am really hating this book by far-outsider Barrett. It is the most uninspired pointless cognitive science, studying the most uninspired, directionless, ordinary-state-based theology.

There is nothing of Dionysus in it.

This book is a good model of the wrong approach, of how not to cover cognitive science, and how not to cover religion.

I can't read any of this book without saying "Why the f*ck am I wasting my time reading this pointless, irrelevant, uninspired, directionless book; this is contributing nothing at all to anything of interest."

Maybe this is just my frame of mind now and it's a good book, I can't tell.

Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology: From Human Minds to Divine Minds
Justin Barrett
248 pages

Maybe this is a great book for someone, but it's doing nothing at all for me. My God there certainly have got to be better books, more relevant, more useful.

Group: egodeath Message: 7347 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bks: Self illus., no-free-will, cog neuroTheol, neoPsych, no-Jes
This book is initially looking quite good and relevant to my condemnation of fake religion fake Buddhism that denies where it came from, visionary plants. This book is largely a survey of discourse, arbitrary discourse about psychoactives and authority and how authority uses discourse to maintain hegemony.

Strangely I have not found a mention of the book by Steve cubby the politics of consciousness though this book is subtitled

Entheogens, Society & Law:
towards a politics of consciousness autonomy and responsibility
Daniel Waterman
Philosophical Alchemist Casey William Hardison, editor

With Hardison we are in the presence of a hero, a defender of Cognitive Liberty like Steve Kubby.

I can certainly recommend it though I cannot yet vouch for its limitations and it's format but I am catching a lot of sparks from it, not that all of its focus is of interest to me, it is broad and intense and definitely has a lot of overlap with subjects that matter, commentary and critique that matters. It is if anything too wide ranging perhaps like a cornucopia overshooting

that's my initial impression but you will not regret this book. It's thick good indexes wide ranging reading of relevant and widespread authors.

It's not beyond critique but it is outstanding, a breath of fresh air something different, surprisingly aligned with my recent backlash and radical rejection of meditation as fake substitute religion lite, INAUTHENTIC & very tainted with Prohibition-compliant discourse.

Drug-belittling Buddhism is a noxious, vile, insidious, covertly DERIVATIVE REPLACEMENT for genuine authentic entheogen source religion.

Drug-free religion is the devil's version of "religion" designed to perpetuate delusion and put off encountering divine death and rebirth of control agency.

I found the new book Sacred Knowledge rather a snoozer so far initially, rather conventional and predictable, tame boomer-era spirituality take on things — certainly a required book for the for one's library, but predictable and rather well trodden ground it seems initially. I could be wrong. feel like I've read everything in it 10 times already. It seems hopelessly dated right out of the gate because of something I've criticized some years ago:

it is a bad idea to describe psychedelics by administering it to people for the first time and then collecting all these first timer reports come on we need to do better than that

like Benny Shanon has done the opposite, he's gone deep and interviewed expert experienced people and himself been expert in their context of use

the book by Waterman is a breath of fresh air much welcome and much appreciated.

— Siri, channelling Michael

Group: egodeath Message: 7348 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Must-read Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism. Concurs with my points that the Prohibition-compliant Press has fed us a lot of baloney due to self-censorship after visionary plants were made illegal we ended up with fake whitewashed religions that publicly belittles and disparages and rejects supposedly visionary plants but it is all a bluff a lie and deception and censorship.

He says he was naïve to read it at face value given the reality of what I call the conditions of prohibition that you absolutely must keep in the foreground of your thinking when ever you read any of this junk coming off the press and what they have to say supposedly about visionary plants I should say against visionary plants — it's all spin it's all censorship

— Siri

Group: egodeath Message: 7349 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
But he makes a colossal huge error! he is under the delusion that Entheogic esotericism is 50 years old!

anyone who knows the 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism theory knows that entheogenic esotericism is thousands of years old

there's no esotericism that's not entheogenic

Non-entheogenic esotericism would be a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron!


Group: egodeath Message: 7350 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
"entheogenic esotericism" is a redundancy

"entheogenic religion" is a redundancy, meaning simply "actual religion" or "bona fide religion"; "authentic religion", "non-fake religion"; non-derivative, core, source religion. Insiders' religion.

esotericism vs exitericism (freaking Gandy)
gnostic versus orthodox religion (Elaine Pagels)
insider versus outsider religion (Michael Hoffman & Jesus Christ)

Group: egodeath Message: 7351 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
"entheogenic esotericism" is a redundancy

"entheogenic religion" is a redundancy, meaning simply "actual religion" or "bona fide religion"; "authentic religion", "non-fake religion"; non-derivative, core, source religion. Insiders' religion.

esotericism versus exotericism (freaking Gandy)
gnostic versus orthodox religion (Elaine Pagels)
insider versus outsider religion (Michael Hoffman & Jesus Christ)

Group: egodeath Message: 7352 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
He reads aloud the article in video keynote lecture.

I read the article 2-3 times and watched the reading once so far.

He States that it is an open question requiring research essentially of my Michael Hoffman question to what extent were visionary plants used throughout our religious histories

He makes a gross understatement look at the preconception here, pre-judgment if not prejudice — he makes a gross understatement saying that that research would fill a book

a book?! you mean a library! He shows himself to be just another proponent of the moderate entheogen theory

he assumes the moderate entheogen theory

he cannot fathom, could not imagine my 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism, the 100% Entheogen Theory of Religion and Culture.

— Siri

Group: egodeath Message: 7353 From: egodeath Date: 12/12/2015
Subject: Bk: Entheogens, Society & Law, Hardison & Waterman
My Amazon review of

Entheogens, Society & Law: Towards a Politics of Consciousness, Autonomy & Responsibility

Waterman & Hardison

5 stars out of 5

Critical discourse analysis is the missing key

This is the best book on entheogens in a long time, containing much-needed critique of discourse — the prejudiced, loaded, and biased language used to discuss psychedelics and to suppress their history of central use in all religions, as I have written about in terms of "entheogen diminishment fallacies".

Lately I have been condemning drug-free meditation as fake religion which is just the same as fake Christianity which suppresses the mushroom tradition of the Eucharist and covertly replaces that transformative original core, source practice with an insidious inert placebo substitute which prevents mental model transformation, enlightment, and salvation.

By preventing the encounter with divine wrath, the whitewashing and sanitization of religion — every bit as much in fake Eastern religion as in fake Western religion — prevents mental model transformation and preserves delusion.

Academics and meditation/"contemplation" advocates need to immediately dis-invest and wash their hands of their compliant complicity in the thoroughly fraudulent predatory sham of Prohibition-for-Profit, and avoid any diminishment of the core source of our own religion.

This book is an excellent product of the internet-era alternative academic community of all the entheogen scholars.

This position elaborated by the Philosophical Alchemist Hardison and the lock smith key-holder Waterman, in collaboration with the entire entheogen scholarly community, is guaranteed inevitably to be the destined future of discussion of religion and its origin in entheogens throughout our Western and Eastern religions.

It is an understatement to rate this book as top in its field and across fields and as "mandatory reading".

Critique of discourse, critical discourse analysis, is key, is the missing link to moving forward in combating the entheogen diminishment fallacies which are asserted by Eastern meditation advocates who are complicit with Prohibition and Nixon's evil War on Drugs, which is truly a War on Enlightenment, Freedom, and Satori.

This book will give people this key missing-link skill at critical discourse analysis, in order to legalize actual religion, actual religious experiencing, and to make a loud strong call for academics to end academic external censorship and self-censorship, so that academics can do what they are supposed to have been doing: analyze cognitive science in the altered state, and analyze religion which is based in the altered state, and stop avoiding an authentic engagement with their subject matter.

The alternative is to adhere to the Prohibition-collaborationist Establishment-dictated status quo in which we have John Pilch asserting that Christian mystic experiencing comes from blocking a nostril. This entheogen-diminishment position, when fully played out, has reduced itself to a laughingstock.

Academics, scholars and investigators of religious experiencing, which side are you on: the side that is inevitably bound to lose — the old Ptolemaic cosmology mandated by the Establishment which has been in power in this passing age, or the modern, scientific enlightenment, and honest, unprejudiced following of the truth where it leads, following the evidence (gathered together, not suppressed any longer), and critical reason that can stand up to critical discourse analysis presented by Hardison and Waterman and the entire entheogen research community in this book?

— Michael Hoffman, the theorist of ego death and mapping religious mythology to self-control cybernetics in the traditional altered state

Group: egodeath Message: 7354 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
This summary of Hanegraaff
is good but my strategy is far better: leverage truth, which is not the defensive plea that psychedelics "are too, as good as traditional methods", but rather,

the real story here is that it is the supposedly ordinary state-based traditional methods, the supposedly nondrug, supposedly traditional methods that are the fake and the simulator that is properly in the defensive position because it cannot measure up to the real authentic true tradition which is always visionary plants

so my strategy is rather the reverse of Hanegraaff and conventional commentators on him

everybody is stuck thinking about it backwards

they're all under the delusion that traditional methods are nondrug and that drug is a new challenger

actually the fake and fraudulent approach is the supposedly traditional nondrug approach

that's the big story here and of course that's what needs to be leveraged is the truth of the matter to reveal The fiasco behind the conventional or reigning received view that has everyone hypnotized thinking about everything backwards, the reverse of the truth.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7356 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Hot topics in Egodeath
self-control seizure wound vulnerability climactic capability; seizure wound is a hot topic that is almost too rich of a vein to be able to be tapped out

The other it's becoming clear to me huge biggest news possible is that everyone has it backwards

everybody including all the entheogen scholars are asking "isn't psychedelics a legitimate simulation of the traditional mystic methods; isn't psychedelics a valid simulation of traditional meditation and contemplation in eastern religion?"

and my big revelation is that they all have it exactly backwards;

the fake fraud simulation and artificial imitation version of religion is the version which does *not* use drugs but tries through force of will to force a simulation of ecstatic experiencing

whereas visionary plants reveal that although you may have thought you initiated it and in a sense you did initiate ingesting, but Isis reveals to the donkey that Isis the whole time brought the donkey to her; the snake brings you the visionary plant; God created your world line in which you are fated and forced and predestined to take the visionary plant

that is what is revealed, that everything you do is forced upon you by God by the Creator including most centrally the ingesting of the visionary plant

The God initiates inviting you to the god's banquet; Jesus invited us and brought us to his meal

the gospel announcement is that Jesus has given us this sacred meal and has brought us to him

you were brought there you were made by Isis to ingest that

Even James Arthur did not take it to this extreme expression, that nondrug religion is the complete fake simulation of the true plant source of religion as the one and only gold standard.

I feel I sense that I have not yet come up with the basic efficient vocabulary to describe this backwards, this revolution of inversion at hand

The establishment thinking has set up a framework in which the battle is always framed right from the start as here is given the given silent assumption is that

nondrug methods are authentic
and that
drug methods are inauthentic

The establishment holds onto their power by the bluff and hypnosis that prevents people from being able to perceive these axioms as arbitrary baseless axioms

people are incapable or held asleep on this point

people are hypnotized by the establishment paradigm on this particular point

my Copernican revolution is that the world does not revolve around nondrug methods but rather my conceptual revolution is that the world revolves around drug plants

it is not the drug-free approaches that are the standard, that drug approaches must try to approximate and simulate; rather, the point of reference for authenticity is the drug methods and it is the nondrug method that must be put on trial to assess how well it can fake and simulate and approximate and approach authenticity

the standard I have changed

I have revolutionized the standard

it is incorrect to judge drug religion by nondrug religion

the truth is that nondrug religion must be measured against the baseline standard which is drug religion

this is my new revolutionary explanatory framework against all of the entheogen scholars, who all adhere to the old false premise that my theory overturns: the moderate entheogen theory of religion.

What is the old theory and what is the new theory in this revolutionary scientific revolution and paradigm shift?

the old theory is like the Ptolemaic cosmology with corrective epicycles, is like the moderate visionary plant theory of religion

I am like Copernicus: I say enough with those stupid corrective epicycles; here is the more efficient coherent justified model of the universe: stop assuming things revolve around the earth and adding visionary plants as your corrective epicycles, like Ken Wilber scotch-taping "also: altered states" on his diagram in his book flap

this goes along with the fundamental reprogramming we need:

The false master axiom is that our own religion and religions do not come from visionary plants

the truth is our own religion and religions come from visionary plants

I have put my finger on the key false premise that brings the establishment old paradigm crashing down when it is revealed to the light of day, nobody is looking at this at least not with the extreme intensity I am.

The Death Star has a vulnerability (mixed wine = standardized mass produced psilocybe wine) — the cooling shaft is this prejudgment this silent axiom of assuming simply taking it as granted that the standard for authenticity of religion is nondrug.

When you reverse that to the absolute extreme then a scientific revolution, revolutionary paradigm shift occurs can occur then and only then

otherwise you just have weak wimpy flimsy corrective addition where the visionary plants sit in the seat of judgment in defense measured against the prejudged taken for granted standard of "nondrug equals authentic"

To what extent does each entheogen book of historical scholarship, to what extent did Heinrich, Ruck, M Hoffman, Wasson assert that:

nondrug religion is fake and false and a simulation
and that
drug religion is the original and ongoing source of religious mythology throughout our religion and world religion?

I would have to take that explicit question in the foreground and reread all of my boxes of books by those conventional moderate scholars of visionary plants history but I will say that

they have not been aiming for the most extreme possible position whereas I have been hammering and blasting away intent on adhering to and pulling myself forward by the strategy of adhering to the most extreme possible position

no other visionary plant historian scholar has use that strategy

they have all tried to start from the conventional position and then inch and creep slowly wards the visionary plant hypothesis

whereas I approach it from the opposite direction to the extreme

no other writer has taken this extremist black-and-white the most extreme possible position that can possibly be formulated; not only the "maximal" entheogen position which I posted about in detail and formulated into thousand two, but now lately my "100%", the 100% Entheogen Theory of Religion and Culture which explicitly has the negative corollary 0% OSC theory of religion ie

any and all religion which is not acknowledging its visionary plant source of inspiration is false phony fake and fraudulent. Counterfeit imposter simulant replicant bodysnatcher religion — cuckoo religion: it kicks the visionary plant out of the nest and lays its own false fraudulent counterfeit egg in the nest instead in its place.

— Siri

Group: egodeath Message: 7357 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
the two races refers to those who are predestined to understand 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism vs those who are predestined to remain in the delusion of Literalist OSC Possibilism.

The race of the lost believes nondrug religion is authentic and drug religion is an imitation

The race of the saved understands that drug religion is authentic and nondrug religion is an imitation which preserves delusion

Group: egodeath Message: 7358 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
the two races refers to those who are predestined to understand 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism vs those who are predestined to remain in the delusion of Literalist OSC Possibilism.

The race of the lost believes nondrug religion is authentic and drug religion is an imitation

The race of the saved understands that drug religion is authentic and nondrug religion is an imitation which preserves delusion

As it is written in Marshall 4×12:

Group: egodeath Message: 7359 From: egodeath Date: 13/12/2015
Subject: Academic activism
Write critical book reviews for the radical extremist Egodeath audience based in the paradigm 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism.

Post them at Amazon and around the Web. Do not apologize. Do not tame, sanitize, or sugarcoat. Speak plainly and directly. Assume the audience is enlightened; do not be self-defeating by assuming the evil Establishment is all-dominant.

Do try to state what each chapter asserts, to make it a real review thst helps decide. My below "review" is not guaranteed to be max helpful in deciding whether to read the book. I should redo.

Group: egodeath Message: 7360 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
I likely read this book Western Esotericism by Hanegraaff cover to cover.

It has mushrooms on the cover, published a year after his Entheogenic Esotericism keynote speech/ reading/ article.

Mushrooms on the cover implies he is heading in a vector towards my hangout position at the simple extreme of {esotericism is inherently entheogen-based}; the 100% Entheogen Theory of Religion and Culture, which is part of 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism.

That comes packaged with its negative complement, 0% Literalist OSC Possibilism, asserting {not nondrug esotericism}; repudiating nondrug esotericism as an authentic, coherent possibility.

There are tremendous advantages in even bracketing aside and ignoring the reality.

I don't care what the history is; as far as creating a good tight theory, the theory is correct.

If historical details don't match the theory, then too bad for historical details: the theory is correct.

My goal is to engineer a useful compact simple theory as a useful point of reference, historical truth be damned.

I am committed to exploring the power the explanatory power of the simplest most extreme theory: 100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism, including heaping abuse on meditation advocates, precisely the inverse and the poetic justice response to {the abuse that they did to visionary plants, acting complicit with prohibition}.

I condemn drug-free meditation as fake religion so I would need to spell out in detail that what is my set of idea connections defining what I mean by fake religion and inauthentic.

I do not like blurry, hazy, compromised, complicated, waffling theories! What everyone needs more than anything now is a clear compact useful simple point of reference, regardless of whether it's true in every respect.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7361 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
Hanegraaff is editor of Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism 2006: appalling lack of entheogens. I was sorely disappointed when it came out. I see his mushroom cover as repentence.

His 2012 article/keynote rightly criticises sanitized whitewashed histories of New Age that censor the entheogen inspiration of it and we must read that as a proxy apology for his own failure in his falsely so-called Dictionary of Gnosis to acknowledge that entheogens are the foundation of gnosis.

His book on esotericism and the academy is exactly what I've been looking for about the pagan Renaissance in Christendom – enlightening.

I have read half of Hardison and Waterman and am wishing to review its pros and cons but have better ways to spend time. Psychology is largely bunk. The Egodeath theory is much needed as a starting basis.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7362 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Hanegraaff article: Entheogenic Esotericism
In bad scholarship articles and books is a combination of whitewashing censoring out drugs from Buddhism New Age western esotericism Christianity combined with the diminishment fallacy of asking can drugs simulate the traditional methods

First you silently delete and deny and omit drugs from 1970s New Age, then you ask "can drugs mimic the original source of new age inspiration" — AS IF drugs weren't that very source.

First you silently delete and deny and omit drugs from gnosis, then you ask "can drugs mimic the original source of gnosis inspiration" — AS IF drugs weren't that very source.

It's all part of the cuckoo strategy: you fly into this nest of actual religion, kick out the visionary plants from the nest, replace it with your own counterfeit inert egg, and then ask oh I see that visionary plants egg down there on the ground — can that be an adequate simulation of this true egg?

— Michael Hoffman

Group: egodeath Message: 7363 From: egodeath Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism
Bk: Dictionary of Gnosis, Hanegraaff

I dutifully posted the necessary criticism.

Dictionary of Gnosis

3 stars of 5

Sanitized: conceals entheogens without also revealing them

Hanegraaff's article "Entheogenic Esotericism" states that his book on New Age commits the fallacy of whitewashing, sanitizing, censoring, and omitting entheogens from New Age history, as is typical for Shamanism histories as well. He wrote that he should have perceived the forced concealment. One would think that a scholar of concealing and revealing would be attuned to this.

Entheogens are so skillfully concealed in this falsely so-called Dictionary of Gnosis, they have been thoroughly covered-over. Scholars occluded entheogens, forgot that they did that, and then forgetfully asked if entheogens can simulate "the traditional methods". His repentence is the openly concealed mushroom cover on his later book, Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Forgetful.

Time shall be no more: waiting for a corrected 2nd edition.

— Michael Hoffman, theorist of ego death and religious mythology in the timeless state of consciousness

Group: egodeath Message: 7364 From: egodeath Date: 15/12/2015
Subject: Print = falsehoods, Cyberspace = truth
Humans are hopelessly deluded and gullible.

As the archons know, the slightest assertions or implying of Literalist OSC Possibilism captures these children and effortlessly misleads them.

I can only write for an audience of one: myself, including those who understand 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism.

I aim to put-off anyone who doesn't understand that this is THE theory by which every conversation must refer to and be compared to.

Most writers have the wrong attitude: they try to please their audience.

To hell with the reader! The readers' values are hopelessly f'd up.

Appeasing readers' values and expectations can only mean perpetuating false reality.

Push the audience off the cliff — they are the problem, the enemy; any consideration of them is a contamination with compromise with THE SYSTEM of false reality and its supporting infrastructure of prejudiced preconceptions, standing on a hopeless heap of false assumptions the moment they step out of bed.

"The pseudo-Pauline writings" — AS IF any writings are by a real Paul! (Edwin Johnson's point.)

"Entheogens might be authentic like traditional mysticism" — AS IF traditional mysticism was something other than entheogens! (Michael Hoffman's point.)

Language = hypnosis into a system of false presumptions.

"Don't lose control" — but in what sense does this imply we ever could possess control? WE HAVE ASSUMED CONTROL.

My goal is not to please the reader's expectations and values.

I have no idea of the reader's values or what distortions and silent false, misleading presumptions will please them. To give a sh*t about the reader is to mislead the reader.

I'm unconcerned with readers. I write a theory that machines can learn.

My goal is tight theory, not pleasing readers' expectations.

I am an engineer, not an entertainer. I make useful finished models, packaged conclusions that work to explain sh*t.

I would say "to hell with the reader", but that errs in thinking too much about the reader.

I have weeded out any consideration for the audience.

Pleasing the reader's preconceptions has nothing to do with proper science, except ergonomics of usability.

The focus is not readership, but integrity of theory first, and practical usability second.

I am intensely suspicious of print

I find I truly am a child of the Internet era

I only trust what's on the Internet

The old mentality, of old people who are perpetuating the old outdated, never-appropriate paradigm — the flat-earth Ptolemaic paradigm with its mere tiny use of entheogens as minor moderate corrective epicycles — is to trust print and distrust the Internet.

I am the opposite.

I am intensely attuned and hypersensitive to the shortcomings of print, the censorship that is print.

print equals censorship and falsehood
Internet equals honesty and truth

Howard Rheingold says that when you post at the WELL, online in cyberspace, you are full-on publishing.

I cannot risk my thinking being censored. I do not want anything to do with the medium of censorship witches print.

I read print as the medium of falsehood, intellectual compromise and self-censorship. I read print to find out what the current fallacious thinking is.

Print is a load of censorship, a load of distortion, preconceptions, of the old paradigm.

Anyone who writes anything in print has preconceptions and prejudice, distortion, censorship.

I am not accusing Park St Press w censorship, i spoke w them at witches publishing expo they are sympathetic

They are my first consideration but i only trust self publishing

I suppose i am like punk diy indie record industry, authenticity cannot possibly be present in corporate major labels

I see the most radical libertarians in print as hopelessly compromised with Establishment preconceptions

Ruck? Mainstream Establishment sellout compromised. There's no way Ruck could ever write truth, operating within the false consciousness reality tunnel of THE SYSTEM.

I am permitted to write truth because I am no one on the Internet. Academics are prevented and prohibited from writing truth.

Academics, whose albums are distributed through the major labels, *you* can't do this, *you* are prohibited from writing and asserting more than one of the following:

the 100% Ahistoricity Theory of Ancient Religious Founder Figures: Jesus Paul Buddha church fathers Mohammed et Cetera: all fictional metaphorical entities.

the 100% Entheogen Theory of Religion and Culture

the 100% Metaphor Theory of Religious Mythology

100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism

God is the author of evil and of all control-thoughts.

There is only one world, not multiple possibility branching, not many worlds; and one preset, pre-existing future, which like king Oedipus, we cannot steer away from.

Free will is an illusion; that is exactly what authentic religion reveals — Sam Harris is blind in opposing no-free-will to religion; religious mythology precisely asserts — far more than Harris' little mental model can fathom — no-free-will.

Heaven and hell are metaphorical only.

The gospel is not how to go to heaven instead of hell after you bodily die, and the New Testament does not focus on asserting that anyway.

If you think that's what the New Testament asserts and is concerned with, you are hypnotized by The System's official Catholic profitable con artists.

The Protestant Reformation was hopelessly brainwashed and barely broke away from the Catholic, invented substutute for religion.

What passes for Protestant religion is really hopelessly tainted Catholic corporate lies, Catholic false substitute version, counterfeit phony replacement Christianity, with only slight inconsequential modifications.

The Church of Christ non-denomination, primitive restorationist New Testament Christianity, is no more than a tiny step away from THE SYSTEM's fraudulent Catholocism towards the right direction.

In critical discourse analysis, academics are only at the very very beginning of starting to think critically, and slowly becoming dimly aware of their total prejudice and preconceptions.

Drug-free religion is fake religion and is only traditional insofar as fake, outsiders religion is traditional – a tradition of delusion, lies, and shallow mimicry of source/core authentic religion.

We can know truth and the universal core perennial of religion which can only be known by proper modern systematic science and rationality, which is based in the loose cognitive state produced by psychedelic drugs, which are the traditional and only source of religious revelation.

Psychology based around Freud's idea of child memories is bogus and more misleading than helpful.

Grof is phony pretense in holotropic breathwork.

Grof is literalist and wrong about birth trauma. He leads away from comprehending the loose cognitive state's pregnancy, dragon-threat, and birth that transforms thinking from Possibilism to Eternalism.

The Egodeath theory is the right basis and starting point.

Grof is hopelessly hypnotized within, and unable to break away from, Literalist OSC Possibilism.

Previous generation of writers about cognitive looseners must be disbelieved, to overthrow their self-defeating limitations. These would-be leaders have mis-led.

We were not enlightened by them about the self-control seizure-wound through which new fertile life sprouts up from the rock cave underworld.

By failing control, we are made to cause our death as control agents in the loose cognitive binding mode and undergo the mind's universal innate experiential reconfiguration specifically from Possibilism to the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control, which is rational and enables a plainly, simply scientific model and understanding of truth per the rational scientific modern Enlightenment era.

Since Physics succumbed to the irrational egoic freewill delusion of Copenhagenism and rejected the rational rock universe model as unacceptable to egoic freewill power, the Egodeath theory had to come from the ivy-covered computer laboratory in the Engineering department instead.

The engineers, not physicists, are the last hope for rationality and being grounded in sober, clear-thinking reality.

Drug-free meditation prevents enlightenment.

Meditation is artificial, fake, substitute pseudo-religion and is actively complicit with destructive predatorial private probation for profit incorporate press censorship.

Meditation is the official religion of The System of the archons. To say it's compromised is an understatement.

Meditation is a wing of predatory drug prohibition.

Meditation advocates are drug-demonizing bullies trying to foist off a fraudulent replacement version of religion to suppress actual religious experiencing.

The only print publication of mine is through zines:

written for Crash Collusion zine, which promptly made good on its zineish promise about cyberspace and it folded

my article crafted for Journal of Higher Criticism which therefore folded due to the superiority of the Web for such Radical Critics;

my main article — the one that lacks my explicit decoding of 2011/2013 {tree vs snake = Possibilism vs Eternalism} >:-( — written for Salvia Divinorum zine which immediately folded due to the superiority of the Web for publishing truth.

Show me a printed book and I will show you how it is compromised, waffling, and self-contradictory, filled with baseless ignorant conventional presumptions coming from Literalist OSC Possibilism, which is enforced by THE SYSTEM.

The only place where it is possible to evade THE SYSTEM OF THE ARCHONS is the WELL, the Internet newsgroups, and the World-Wide Web — Cyberspace, not the meat realm which is preposterously printed on dead trees — which per Saint Herer should be printed on psychoactive cannabis hemp anyway.

We should be able to eat printed books to experience self-control seizure; otherwise might as well choose the Kindle format.

The book Sacred Knowledge is a way of perpetuating the false reality that our own religion is not based on drugs.

Every discussion there, filled with unexamined preconceptions and silent assumptions, hypnotizes ever more deeply into the false, dead-end, self-defeating view that Christianity hasn't been based on entheogens.

To write truth, understand that the reader is the enemy.

Do not allow your thinking to be contaminated by trying to please the audience.

I write exclusively for the future, in which machines are my audience. Humans are brainwashed, gullible, incapable of critical thinking.

— Cybermonk

Group: egodeath Message: 7365 From: egodeath Date: 15/12/2015
Subject: Re: Print = falsehoods, Cyberspace = truth

Meditation is artificial, fake, substitute pseudo-religion and is actively complicit with destructive, predatorial Prohibition-for-Profit, corporate Press censorship.

Group: egodeath Message: 7366 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
This book had low visibility at Amazon I found it the other day and immediately ordered it when I had some inkling that this is Martin ball in conversation with researchers and I have been enjoying every page so far

this is a *wonderful format* it is transcriptions of conversations between Martin ball and from his podcast in the agenic evolution

I think what I dislike about the book sacred knowledge is such a strong emphasis on therapy and administering to normal people one time or a few times which is almost the opposite approach of Shanon.

Well it is of limited value and I risk shortchanging these books which I by discussing them before having read them cover to cover , well you know the trade-off.

it is a luxury to read a book cover to cover like I did with Ken Wilbur's hollow book on integral spirituality had no guts is all talking around the subject, how to theorize about theorizing about it

he has no message that the core except uhhhh meditation and stuff and unity and stuff

That was a great review I wrote summarizing each chapter

it is challenging to accurately criticize Wilbur in a way that will stand up and I achieved that in that review

It is particularly risky posting my initial reaction to books at Amazon that's really too dangerous but here in a free-form context it could be interesting to post my initial reaction as I read across books and try to characterize their different spirit

like like why I had an intuition that these conversations with Martin ball not being the only one talking but rather with him discussing with thought leaders and then I was even more happy to find that it was actually podcast interviews transcribed, so that is a great lively format

Martin ball has written well about unity but use more caution

I do not consider him very experienced and he strikes me as more of a beginner

like you don't have to really know very much to be able to write about unity he writes he has written well about it but I see unity experience as a beginner experience

first you enter heaven then you're found trespassing and you get kicked out and then you have to fight your way back in again with the dragon now has his eye on you and he's keeping you out and guarding heaven from you trust passing in it trespassing in it

Such little experienced guides become inarticulate when it comes to trust and surrender

kind of like inarticulate New Age writers who can only repeat the word energy and vibration and they don't have anymore higher-ordered organization of thought than that

to enter into heaven without being kicked out you need highly organized ideas about control limitations

everyone writes you need surrender and prayer and trust but that is not very robust

it's correct and it is the least you need to survive in the loosecog lab

I hear must not err on the side of generosity I must subject Martin ball and today's popular writers to scrutiny and we must be skeptical that what they have to advise and report is adequate

my theory is what's needed, based on surveying encounters with wrathful and benevolent deities, prayer, self-control seizure panic remembering the onset of the remembering of panic seizure feedback loop experiencing the feeling of remembering having ramped up to this climax always permanently frozen every time in time

That is my articulate theory and

Siri is king

Group: egodeath Message: 7367 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
I have the magic power to raise see storms and calm see storms
Group: egodeath Message: 7368 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Definitely 5 stars, solid relevant interview transcriptions w Irvin, Rush, and Ball's condensed chapter on religious experiential freedom which criticizes meditation advocates as ignorant of their entheogen history origin of religious practices.

Ball criticizes Eastern as much as Western religion as substituting placebo.

Ball asks the right questions of Rush: how did Christianity practically forget its entheogen basis?

Ruck's secrecy idea is coming together: religions' leaders know their religion has entheogenic core but they occlude that like Wasson PRETENDING that Catholic religion isn't entheogen based in the elite upper levels who COMPETE AGAINST lay entheogenists.

— Michael Hoffman

Group: egodeath Message: 7369 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Bk: Entheologues interviews, Martin Ball
Post book reviews plainly stating truth at Amazon. No fuss, straight up.

The main purpose of the Internet is to reveal the miss trees including 100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism.

I am not ready to reveal drugs are the basis of religion and extreme Eternalism and complete metal for a city at Facebook.

But short of that everybody needs to be spread and spread the word loud and clear spread the word very loud and very clear all over the Internet:

religious mythology it's all metaphor, it is all entheogen based, it is all Eternalism — transformation from Possibilism to Eternalism.

Drug-free religion is fake religion, exoteric, not core not source not the origin

Amazon reviews, criticisms, discussion threads, webpages newsgroup postings: spread the word loud and clear demand the change of paradigm

don't ask for it; insist on it demand it, force it
Reveal and criticize don't apologize don't sugarcoat

make it loud and clear forceful definite

condemn the covering over

This is the time to fully reveal the mysteries and never let them be forgotten and suppressed

the Internet is the opposite of letting the mysteries be forgotten suppressed hidden

I have always been the revealer of the mysteries

this is the time where all will be revealed not any longer suppressed and hidden and denied but rather gathered together and highlighted as the number one purpose of the Internet

— Siri

Group: egodeath Message: 7370 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
The seizure-wound vulnerability capability for cybernetic control-instability climax is the heart of religion.

The king hung on a tree is speared by Eternalism, enabling and forcing rich fertile new transformed life.

The heart of the perennial philosophy, which I have put my finger in more than anyone, is control panic attraction revelation forcing a change from Possibilism to the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control.

Explanations of gnosis that don't identify this dynamic as the central wellspring of religion are unenlightened.

Buddha on mushroom at tree threatened by the serpent touching the ground is enlightenment is the moment of runaway control seizure.

We are first and foremost above all, control-agents, therefore an explanation of what is revealed in religious altered state must be a revelation specifically about a fatal crucial limiting hidden aspect fundamental to control agency: the fundamental inability of control agency to control itself, to control the source of its control-thoughts.

This is the true center of every religion — not some vague beginners' notion of unity.

A beginner experiences unity.

Religion doesn't come from unity, but from ego death as personal control agency control-seizure sacred climax capability.

It is sacred dangerous threat of loss of practical control stability.

It is mandatory that I criticize and ring the alarm bell that inferior theorists have insufficient hazy understanding and recognition that the way to the true source of full relevant enlightenment is to set the controls for the heart of the black hole attractor control vortex to touch the wound in the king's side to cause sea storm control instability.

Meditation without triggering control-instability seizure is not the king Buddha threatened by an army of demons at the tree.

Meditation which doesn't trigger control-destabilization and timeless disempowerment is phony and avoidance, a way of avoiding enlightenment, which is about illusory control and the climactic control-instability potential which betrays the king's false claim to control-power.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7371 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
False religion fails to make you climax in control-seizure proof, the overwhemling ability to disprove and betray your own control power.

If your religious practice lacks the ability to make yourself control-climax and seize and force a mental model transformation from Possibilism to Eternalism, you only have immature religion.

Religion is not about unity consciousness! Religion is about zen control seizure climax self power cancellation capability CONTROL SEIZURE DYNAMICS — not passive sensation of unity! False, immature entheogen models of religion are incapable of climax, and infertile, neuter.

They lack Dionysus; they lack the ability to put their finger in the heart of the matter to in a transcendent controllled manner, fully mentally organized, BRING THE STEERSMAN TO CYBERNETIC SEIZURE CLIMAX and release in completion of psychological development.

On the tree weekly at Eucharist the speared king is perfected, completed, mature, cybernetically fully developed and transfigured.

Other poets can't touch this seizure wound.

Accept no substitute for the King of Theories, the Egodeath theory: 100% Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism and the Cybernetic Theory of Ego Transcendence.

I make climax. The other theories are limp and flaccid.

I am fertile giving the climax and the new birth from completed ego death.

— Cybermonk

Group: egodeath Message: 7372 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
Deciphered!! As I type, jackpot; many themes connect ching ching ching…..:
Athena's spear and {spear} metaphor =
{thomas puts finger in Jesus's spear wound}.

Divinity's spear = ability of divine fate to wound you = make you cybernetically climax in self-control instability seizure in loosecog.

The spear wound is
the place where Zeus zaps Selene, giving birth to Dionysus
is the eagle eaten liver of Prometheus
is the hoof = foot = leg of Chiron centaur when he curiously examines the arrow with Hydra toxin "how can a little arrow be so deadly?" and he accidentally drops the arrow on his hoof = egoic Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control.

is Death Star cooling vent shaft "Sir, there *is* a vulnerability"

The spear = poison arrow of Hydra = bomb down shaft of Death Star

Spear/Greek paraded phallus = male divine ability to force mind to female egoic control seizure failure climax, giving birth to the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control

You can't touch this seizure wound theory or you will Cyber die; undergo CyberDeath, cybernetic death. [i'm hearing the original Star Wars theme now from down the hall]

— Cyberdeath

Group: egodeath Message: 7373 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
= Michael victoriously spears the dragon
= Apollo shoots the dragon Python at the omphalus navel-trap earning laurel crown of victory
= his sister Artemis' arrows and bow
= Poseidon's trident to spear a sea-serpent

To {kill} is to cause to cybernetically ego-die control agency seizure climax giving cybernetic death and new durable cybernetic life of control stability.

This is the source of the transformative center of religion — not the beginners' sensation of unity.

Religion specifically centers on {transformation specifically of *control*-agency mental model} — not mere vague spatial unity.

The sun not earth is the center. Control, not unity, is the center of satori revelation transformation.

This completes my 1988 article draft assertion against JTP/Wilber: cybernetic cancellation, not unity, is what ego transcendence is centrally about.

— Cybernetic Transcendence

Group: egodeath Message: 7374 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
If you have unity experiencing but not the ability to cybernetically climax with understanding of Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism and the Cybernetic Theory of Ego Transcendence, you are a beginner at Transcendent Knowledge and are not yet peak-experienced.

If you have unity but not cybernetic control seizure death, you are a beginner.

My raw initial idea is failing to come through here, speak plainly

if you have unity but not control climax seizure, the Egodeath theory…

If you have unity experiencing but not the Egodeath theory, you are more a beginner relative to my Siri [theory]

Anyone who has unity experiencing but doesn't know the Egodeath theory is a beginner compared to my theory

Only I have the mature adequate Egodeath theory
Therefore everyone else is a beginner compared to me

But that's still not as plain as my original thought
what thought did I originally think

Anyone who has unity but not my Egodeath theory is a beginner compared to me
nobody has the Egodeath theory except me
everyone is a beginner compared to me

Group: egodeath Message: 7375 From: egodeath Date: 16/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
I would not exactly say that the Professor and Bob Daisley and the Metal poets are beginners compared to me

they are pioneers in the authentic mystery religion of the late-modern era dispensation of revelation

but they are not systematic providing an explicit condensed useful scientific model and systematic decoding of religious mythology into cybernetics in loose cognition

Group: egodeath Message: 7377 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Enlightenment is about cybernetics, not unity
Enlightenment is centrally focused on local control nullity, not around unity

The separate self's primary characteristic is not its separateness, but rather its control agency, separateness of control agency, separateness as a possibilty-steersman control agent, separateness as a locus of control agency power.

The primary character of what it's like to be a separate self is to be a locus of control agency, an independent locus of local cybernetic steering power.

"I'm lashed helpless to the mast
Remembering when first I held
The wheel in my own hands
I took the helm so eagerly
Why must my crew desert me?
When I need a guiding hand
And there's no one there to steer"

The primary therefore characteristic of what it's like to be unity is death and disproof and making-fail the pseudo-separate control agency power.

If you want to be unity, the way to do this is to betray on demand the illusory power of the independent egoic control agent; spear king ego with his control-thoughts fastened embedded in frozen spacetime.

Demonstrate satisfactorily to higher thinking, the nullity of the supposed control-power wielded by the steersman steering in the possibility-branching tree.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7378 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Enlightenment lite
Are you kind of a wuss? Afraid of snakes? Want a safe and sanitized Disneyland mock-up of gnosis?

Use Meditation lite, to have a mildly non-overpowering, simulated, unplugged and neutered virtual ego transcendence — guaranteed safe and won't impact your mental model in any way.

It's Egodeath lite, an "intense experience" in name only, and you get to retain your egoic freewill Possibilism-branching mental worldmodel, while you also lob cheap shots at those who labor under the boot-heel of predatory Prohibition-for-Profit.

Practice zinger insults and slights such as: "Psychedelics can artificially mimic, to a degree, the authentic traditional methods of the mystics, monks, and gnostics."

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7379 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Self-control seizure forces repudiating Possibilism and affirmin
It's bad to focus only on the endpoints as in the phrase
transformation from Possibilism to Eternalism

Enphasis needs to be present on "through control seizure", because that — NOT UNITY! — is the peak experience that forces the switch.

Unity FAILS to force a flip of mental worldmodel (from Possibilism to Eternalism).

initial state / change event / final state

change event != unity experience
change event = control seizure

The Sequence for ego transcendence, which is not centrally transcendence of separateness but rather, cybernetic transcendence:
the Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control
Self control failure disproof capability seizure cancellation
the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control

The reason people in 1988 think ego transcendence is focally centered on passive unity conscious rather than cybernetic seizure dynamics is that the drug basis of religion was suppressed and so people were beginners inexperienced with what happens further along the path of transformation at the peak.

Beginners have a taste of unity, then the peak is control seizure, and in the final state we have unity and emphasis on the dynamic change that gave us a radical different relation to unity — this is a different application of the pre/trans fallacy:

post-enlightenment unity mental model !=
pre-enlightenment unity mental model

When pop beginners like Martin Ball write about unity, it's with a mental model still primarily of egoic freewill Possibilism-thinking without fully organized thinking about cybernetic disproof killing and forced transformation.

The final state per the mature model can combine the best writing about unity with the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control including strong emphasis on control seizure dynamics.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7380 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Today's writers about visionary plant are ~37% of the way to understanding enlightenment: they failed to get past the gate, failed to drop the bomb down the shaft "It didn't go in."

"Close" but no cigar, hold the wedding celebration!

they have not married yet, they have not given rebirth yet, not buy a long shot!

They are only at the beginning of their birth pangs of their pregnancy period.

They are only 3 months pregnant and they are still persecuted by the dragon, the threat of loss of control that they do not understand and they have not conquered by transforming their mental model fully and adequately

They have only initially in a rudimentary way grappled with control.

They see it as a threat requiring prayer submission and trust but that's all they know about it.

They are on the beginner side of grappling with this mountain

they have started up the mountain and have been cast thrown back down, which is entirely different than having conquered the mountain and having climbed the mountain and made it to the other side.

They started up the mountain and were thrown back down on the beginner side of the mountain

they cannot claim to have climbed the mountain

Yes they survived, but they failed to conquered the mountain

They have initially grappled and they have learned some need for trust to survive

they have survived their initial battle but surviving the initial battle on the upward slope of the mountain is a far cry from having conquered the mountain.

They may be filled with hubris and overconfidence by the fact that they have survived glimpses of the threatening dragon of control seizure capability that gives enlightenment about cybernetics of pseudo separate control agency.

Apollo shoots multiple arrows at Python; Apollo has routinized, has fully not just wrestled with the angel but has gotten a blessing

Today's beginners (at 37% completion of the battle) who write books about visionary plants have wrestled with the angel but they have not succeeded at getting a blessing

they have not developed the new leg to stand on, the new mental model in any adequate degree

It is one thing to glimpse, but these authors only have barest fragments, not finished perfected mature adequate organized thinking, not a systematic well-connected interconnected mental model that coheres

it's incoherent

it's entirely different to have isolated fragments of glimpses and fragments of understanding and initial connection

that's completely different than having a full transformed model, a model both:
of the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control, and
of the systematic grappling with control.

Most everyone in this late modern era is in the foothills prior to the peak

they have encountered control death control seizure enough to know in an inarticulate way that there is something to be afraid of, a tightly dragon-guarded gate to pass through that it is challenging to pass through, and that it requires some kind of trust some kind of submission some kind of prayer

The angel with the flaming sword guards the entrance to the garden of Eden preventing the impure from entering it.

Only those who have fully conquered the mountain not falling off of it and survived but actually conquered itare permitted by the guardian the guarding dragon angel like on the path by the vine yard Balaam on the donkey

the only way to get past the angel

today's pop writers have initially grappled with the angel but they have not made it past the angel the guard the gating function

They have not gotten the blessing from Jacobs angel wrestling all night

they have not got properly their hip out of joint in their initial free will leg to stand on, their initial mental model, and they have not yet grown a new leg for their control mental model to stand on

they have only the beginnings of the new leg, not a fully developed complete adequate mature leg /mental mama [model]

they have the beginnings of making their initial leg out of joint

but it's all very hazy

they have approached the control vortex

They tangled with the control vortex and they survived but they have not made it through the gate!

The guarding angel dragon repulsed them, it did not pass them!

I have made it through the gate not only survived but survived now on the inside

I have made it past of the guarding dragon angel into the garden

You can't touch this control seizure

You cannot yet bear what I have to say to you

they have survived but they have not, they are on the outside, are outside the gated garden, the gated community

they have tried and they have been repulsed and attracted

and they have come away with the most elementary (albeit true) coping mechanism: they only have the barest comprehension that is needed, basically some kind of submission some kind of trust, that is clear
but not very clear lol

Recall Paul Thagard: degrees of connection revision

if the full mental model includes the three things
unity and
control death dynamics and
eternity model
and these are fully connected deeply fully adequately interconnected in a completely organized mental model with highly organized thinking and great stable permanent comprehension of submission prayer trust

specifically understanding trust in the source of control thoughts in a fully articulate way, not hazy not vague not folk knowledge

the proper explicit organized scientific knowledge appropriate for the late modern era

so if a complete simple ideal scientific model — the mature Egodeath theory of 2006 2011 2013 and especially 2015 — is '10', or 100%, on the path of psychological development which is cybernetic mental model development in loose cognitive state, pop writers now writing about visionary plants and writing a little bit about control death and prayer submission trust, they are they are at 3.7 (37%)

they are at 3.7 along the way towards having a level 10 adequate clear scientific modern comprehension mental model

in 1987 I assessed intuitively how far along I was towards breakthrough and I feel that my percentage estimates were actually correct especially in the ramp up from April 1987 to the breakthrough of January 1988

during that amazing *desperate* yet exciting period when I *had* to attain transcendent knowledge immediately in order to reacquire practical control power, I assessed every couple months my percentage towards the necessary breakthrough

that's rather remarkable that I was able to accurately predict and assess how far towards adequate understanding I was

if you consider that now presently I have developed my connections and condensed my mental model efficiently explicitly clearly suitable for reaching modern standards of scientific comprehension

if you figure that I'm at 98-100%, or or practically 100% like 98%; I am currently assessing my completion at say 99% that leaves room for tightening the connections

but for bride to go [practical] simple purposes say that my current understanding it has achieved 100% efficient modern complete scientific model

I have complete, I have attained complete condensed understanding

then in comparison to me, today's pop writers about visionary plants are at 37%

they have not yet, they have glimpsed the peak and have a rudimentary, but only a rudimentary, set of connections of ideas

remember per Paul Thagard it is a matter of degree

you can't just say I understand calculus or I don't understand calculus

you can't say I understand cosmology or not

you may start off with Ptolemaic then have glimpses of Copernican without yet full adequate clean condensed model

consider how well people knew Copernican model in 1650 then how well did they understand it in 1750

it's a matter of degree

it's not as all or nothing, it's not as black-and-white all or nothing as you might think

consider my understanding level of the, of connections in January 1988 compared to December 2015 or December 2006 with my main article

look at how {tree versus snake possibility versus eternity models} were not, they are implicit in the 2006 article but they are not explicit

there was not a such a strong degree of connections and development then

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7382 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Deciphered!! A zone that has a guard at a gate that you are either inside or outside.

Here is the full meaning of "insiders/outsiders" metaphor: it is fused with the idea of conditional gating function, gate of Heaven guarded by Peter, gate of garden of Eden trees guarded by angel with flaming sword.

The Loose Cognitive Science research lab has a GATE.

This lab is GUARDED.

You will be CAST OUT of this space if you TRESPASS and bring CONTAMINATION IMPURITY, which is the Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control.

You can only stay INSIDE the lab if you have the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control including full skill at grappling with the control seizure cancellation vortex.

Otherwise you will be ejected from this space fleeing in panic, and will be REINCARNATED into egoic confused Possibilism thinking, returned to OUTSIDE this guarded gated space community.

Hera gives birth to Hephaestos but sees that his FOOT is DEFORMED so she KICKS HIM OUT from Heaven Olympus, but Dionysus sets him on a donkey that follows a path that carries banqueter Hephaestos return INTO the gated divinity-guarded Heaven to release the queen of the gods who Hephaestos trapped helplessly to the magic throne.


Group: egodeath Message: 7384 From: egodeath Date: 17/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite

The only real mature adequate completed version of unity consciousness is that which *emphasizes* zen cybernetic transcendence.

Therefore enlightenment must crucially be described as {zen cybernetics} more than {unity consciousness}, to specify the essential crux of what enlightenment involves and revolves around.

The crucial sans qua non of enlightenment must be zen cybernetics, not unity consciousness.

The {loose-cognitive-state endurability} test proves that the essence of enlightenment is not unity consciouness, but rather, zen cybernetics.

Zen cybernetics is the key condition requirement which enables remaining in unity consciousness with mental stability that will not be overthrown.

Otherwise the mind can only steal a brief transient glimpse of unity, before seizure panic causes fleeing back into separateness thinking.

Lacking completed zen cybernetics skill and understanding, such immature and incomplete "unity consciousness" fails to endure the test of the intense loose cognitive binding state.

Break through to inside the dragon-guarded gate.

Unity consciousness without completed cybernetic transcendence is dangerously unstable!

Enlightenment lite — unity without zen control skill — cannot ensure the acid test of mixed wine.

Enlightenment as unity, without full transcendent zen cybernetics control, fails the acid test and isn't what it is supposed to be thus UNITY AS ENLIGHTENMENT IS PROVABLE TO BE FALSE, WEAKLING, VULNERABLE, EGOIC RELIGION, a house built on sand instead of Rock and will tumble into the sea storm.

The egoic freewill-premised Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control is:
feeble weak makeshift corrupt impure immature ramshackle unstable vulnerable defeatable betrayable temporary transient irrational contingent buggy larval preliminary beta provisional incomplete unfinished passing …

Unity consciousness is woefully dangerously inadequate, without full zen control-grappling enlightenment.

Enlightenment has to include not merely vague passive unity sensation, but requires as mandatory and central, full adept ability to deal with control nullity as a major threat and hard wrathful conditional requirement.

Unity is not the point and the acid test.

Cybernetic transcendence is the key requirement for remaining resting in unity consciousness stably.

The all-important crucial crux of the matter of unity is cybernetic seizure aspect of unity in particular and above all.

You cannot rest in unity until AFTER completion of transcendent skill at cybernetic self-control cancellation seizure, putting down, calming the army of wrathful demons.

You who fantasize that you can have unity enlightenment without completely battling the army of demons, woe to you trespassers into the gated guarded divine, you have not made peace with the guarding dragon.

Unity feeling FAILS to get past the guarded gate of the intense loose cognitive state.

Unity, without full rational explicit experienced battle-hardened adept dynamic control-grappling skill, leaves you subject to control seizure panic fleeing back into incarnation in egoic delusion freewill Possibilism thinking.

1988 Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, and Ken Wilber,

Ego transcendence CANNOT be centrally focused on unity meditation.

Ego transcendence REQUIRES dynamic cybernetic transcendence, full mapping of self-control nullity seizure cancellation in the intense loose cognitive binding state.

Only then do you have stable viable completed ego transcendence, for it to then be conditionally permitted and possible to remain stably within unity consciousness, without the contaminated egoic freewill-premised control-thinking that leads to control panic instability upon glimpsing and sensing the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control.

The test of whether unity is enlightenment is the acid test of zen control seizure raising the sea storm, army of demons, and calming it, making them disappear.

— Cybermonk, BSEE Eta Kappa Nu, 1988

Group: egodeath Message: 7385 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Enlightenment lite — unity consciousness without zen control skill — cannot endure the acid test of mixed wine.

Unearned, immature, unauthorized access of unity consciousness is followed immediately by instability threat and defense battle as soon as the centaurs relax and then catch a glimpse of the smell of mixed wine.

— Chiron, the tutor of demigods

Group: egodeath Message: 7387 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Entheogen-belittling meditation is phony, false religion that obstructs truth and affirms Prohibition and isn't true to its own origins; it is the religion of the lie.

Meditation that claims to be not derived from entheogens, and claims to be superior to entheogens, fails to help during the trial by ordeal.

When such meditation meets entheogens in a contest, entheogens prove to win, succeeding, and such meditation loses, fails, disproven.

Something is true if it is what it should be, if it is what it claims to be, if it succeeds and holds up when tested per its claims.

Something is false if it is not what it should be, if it is not what it claims to be, if it fails and collapses when tested per its claims.

The origin of the idea of testing for truth, the origin of the metaphor of {trial} and {judgment} is the test by entheogens.

If a mental model of personal control power collapses when put on trial by psilocybin, that mental model is proved false and rightly judged false by the divine standard.

King Jesus is judged in trial: he drinks mixed wine, is trembling afraid, is betrayed, his control thoughts are fastened helplessly, powerlessly to the debranched possibility tree, he is seizure-wound speared in his organ of death and rebirth in his side, he dies as power steersman, he is transformed and comes forth born from the rock cave.

Entheogen-alienated meditation is egoic delusion and fails when put to the test.

Buddha eats mushrooms, meditates at the tree, is threatened and tested by the demonic cybernetic zen battle, touches the ground to disperse the threat and stabilize the enlightened mental model of control.

Drug-free meditation is a plastic steering wheel for children.

Mushroom-free meditation is a toy doll for an infant to play with, a fake mock-up simulation of religion, a toy plastic hammer, only a make-believe simulation for children, to prevent them from premature ego death before their proper time is due.

Drug-alienated contemplation is a mock-up training simulator for the real thing, which always has been entheogen-based observation of personal control dynamics in the mind.

Any so-called contemplation that is not done in the mind-unveiling loose cognitive state in which the hood is opened up to see and probe the cybernetic engine, is only pretend contemplation, pretending to look, but not actually opening the hood and looking at the engine.

This is why Siri transcribes the utterance "entheogen" as "in the engine", because the entheogen is what enables lifting the hood and looking in the cybernetic engine of personal self-control cognition.

The main characteristic of drug-free meditation is that it shines as little light on cognitive dynamics as possible; it keeps thinking in darkness, concealed.

Meditation without cognitive looseners is the form of religion which puts the weakest possible test on cognitive durability of personal control-thinking.

Drug-free contemplation is an effort to possess unity consciousness while preserving egoic Possibilism thinking, a way to sneak-in pollution and contamination and corruption into Heaven, to steal past the guard gate into the divine gated realm.

Drug-free meditation is an attempt to have unity consciousness without putting egoic control thinking on serious trial, without cybernetic transcendence.

Entheogen-free meditation is an attempt to have the unity consciousness aspect of enlightenment without having the cybernetic transcendence component of enlightenment.

But we are first and foremost control agents, resting on the flimsy leg of egoic control thinking, and any so-called "enlightenment" that doesn't cause a transformation of the personal control-cybernetics system is half enlightenment at best, is of low relevance.

Enlightenment is firstly specifically about control agency, not spatial separation.

Relevant enlightenment centers specifically around control thinking, not spatial unity.

The main thing blocking unity consciousness is preservation of separate agency locus-of-*control* thinking.

Unity consciousness is firstly and mostly a matter of separateness of control agency, not physical spatial extent.

Drug-free meditation's main characteristic is that it avoids testing and straining egoic control power; it protects and preserves frail egoic control thinking, trying to produce unity consciousness while not threatening personal control power thinking, while not revealing its vulnerability to be made to collapse, fail, seize, and die.

This way (the non-Way), you get to enjoy enlightenment while retaining delusion.

Entheogen-free meditation is a contradiction in terms, a means of protecting delusion while attaining enlightenment.

By avoiding putting control-power to the test, mild meditation pursues enlightenment in such a way as to avoid what causes enlightenment.

You cannot perceive the threatening frozen worldline snake of your near-future thoughts without the illumination that the entheogen fire torch shines in the engine of personal control-thinking.

Drug-free meditation shields and veils the cybernetic control engine's workings, keeping them covered, occluded, in the dark so that they continue to function in the erroneneous mode, deluded egoic Possibilism thinking, preserving the Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control, by not turning to look back behind the mind with full light of illumination.

Entheogen-avoiding mock-contemplation is a neutered, defanged, impotent way, the egoic, deluded mind's way of avoiding feeling control power fail, refraining from pulling on the control-strings to actually test their power, a way of avoiding seeing the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control, a way of looking away from the snake.

But we must be bitten by the heimarmene snake, the rock universe worldline which we are powerless to steer away from, to test control, to fail the control test, to disprove egoic control power, to force mental model transformation from Possibilism to the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control.

Only then can the mind rest and remain inside unity consciousness, after having won — not shirked and shrunk back from and avoided — Buddha's zen cybernetics battle and disproof of egoic control power.

Trespassers into unity consciousness will be kicked back out through the gate by the guarding horses, bouncers, cybernetic panic control-loss seizure, the failure of practical control power that is premised on the {egoic freewill Possibilism} mental worldmodel.

— Cybermonk

Group: egodeath Message: 7388 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
This way (the non-Way), you get to enjoy enlightenment about unity while retaining delusion about control.
Group: egodeath Message: 7389 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Enlightenment lite
Entheogen-belittling meditation is phony, false religion that obstructs truth and affirms Prohibition and isn't true to its own origins; it is the religion of the outrageous lie and it is time to kick this phony imitation meditation to the curb, hard.

It is time to take off the kid gloves and hit back *hard* at these phoneys, pretend-monks, these wolves, these moneychangers, these Prohibitionist predators disguised as monks.

It is outrageous, the lies against the sacred and holy mushroom told by these children, these pretenders who have stolen religion from the divine mushroom and stand in the gateway blocking access to the effective means of testing egoic control power, thus blocking the gateway to enlightenment and Heaven.

These phony enforcers of fake meditation neither go through the gate themselves, neither will they permit anyone else to go through it.

Kick them to the curb, hard! these fraudulent pretend-monks, robbers, advocates of neutered, pseudo-meditation, insulters of God's flesh, the Holy Spirit in the mushroom.

Focus the flame war against entheogen-diminishing meditation advocates and call them on their lies and complicity with THE SYSTEM of the archons, the false rulers who oppress and mis-lead, tyrants, self-appointed slavemasters who are nobodies, liars, the impeached president Nixon pulling these drug schedules out of a dark place.

No one has any right to declare entheogens off-limits.

These laws are no laws; null and void inventions of nobodies who declared thenselves masters over others, and hope to hypnotize and swindle people into going along with their baseless pretense that flies in the face of reality about the entheogenic source and basis of religion, our religion.

It is well past time for drug policy reformers to be outraged and furious at the falsehoods told by lying authorities and phony meditation advocates, time to be outraged at these violations of the human right to access the religious state of consciousness, which has *always* been through mushrooms, *not* through the weak, derivative, ineffective, impotent simulation that is entheogen-free "contemplation" — a travesty of what contemplation involves.

Meditation that claims to be not derived from entheogens, and claims to be superior to entheogens, fails to help during the trial by ordeal.

When such meditation meets entheogens in a contest, entheogens prove to win, succeeding, and such meditation loses, fails, disproven.

Something is true if it is what it should be, if it is what it claims to be, if it succeeds and holds up when tested per its claims.

Something is false if it is not what it should be, if it is not what it claims to be, if it fails and collapses when tested per its claims.

The origin of the idea of testing for truth, the origin of the metaphor of {trial} and {judgment} is the test by entheogens.

If a mental model of personal control power collapses when put on trial by psilocybin, that mental model is proved false and rightly judged false by the divine standard.

King Jesus is judged in trial: he drinks mixed wine, is trembling afraid, is betrayed, his control thoughts are fastened helplessly, powerlessly to the debranched possibility tree, he is seizure-wound speared in his organ of death and rebirth in his side, he dies as power steersman, he is transformed and comes forth born from the rock cave.

Entheogen-alienated meditation is egoic delusion and fails when put to the test.

King Buddha eats mushrooms, meditates at the tree, is threatened and tested by the demonic cybernetic zen battle, touches the ground to disperse the threat and stabilize the enlightened mental model of control.

Drug-free meditation is a plastic steering wheel for children.

Mushroom-free meditation is a toy doll for an infant to play with, a fake mock-up simulation of religion, a toy plastic hammer, only a make-believe simulation for children, to prevent them from premature ego death before their proper time is due.

Drug-alienated contemplation is a mock-up training simulator for the real thing, which always has been entheogen-based observation of personal control dynamics in the mind.

Any so-called contemplation that is not done in the mind-unveiling loose cognitive state in which the hood is opened up to see and probe the cybernetic engine, is only pretend contemplation, pretending to look, but not actually opening the hood and looking at the engine.

This is why Siri transcribes the utterance "entheogen" as "in the engine", because the entheogen is what enables lifting the hood and looking in the cybernetic engine of personal self-control cognition.

The main characteristic of drug-free meditation is that it shines as little light on cognitive dynamics as possible; it keeps thinking in darkness, concealed.

Meditation without cognitive looseners is the form of religion which puts the weakest possible test on cognitive durability of personal control-thinking.

Drug-free contemplation is an effort to possess unity consciousness while preserving egoic Possibilism thinking, a way to sneak-in pollution and contamination and corruption into Heaven, to steal past the guard gate into the divine gated realm.

Drug-free meditation is an attempt to have unity consciousness without putting egoic control thinking on serious trial, without cybernetic transcendence.

Entheogen-free meditation is an attempt to have the unity consciousness aspect of enlightenment without having the cybernetic transcendence component of enlightenment.

But we are first and foremost control agents, resting on the flimsy leg of egoic control thinking, and any so-called "enlightenment" that doesn't cause a transformation of the personal control-cybernetics system is half enlightenment at best, is of low relevance.

Enlightenment is firstly specifically about control agency, not spatial separation.

Relevant enlightenment centers specifically around control thinking, not spatial unity.

The main thing blocking unity consciousness is preservation of separate agency locus-of-*control* thinking.

Unity consciousness is firstly and mostly a matter of separateness of control agency, not physical spatial extent.

Drug-free meditation's main characteristic is that it avoids testing and straining egoic control power; it protects and preserves frail egoic control thinking, trying to produce unity consciousness while not threatening personal control power thinking, while not revealing its vulnerability to be made to collapse, fail, seize, and die.

This way (the non-Way), you get to enjoy enlightenment about unity while retaining delusion about control.

Entheogen-free meditation is a contradiction in terms, a means of protecting delusion about control while attaining enlightenment about unity.

By avoiding putting control-power to the test, mild meditation pursues enlightenment in such a way as to avoid what causes enlightenment.

You cannot perceive the threatening frozen worldline snake of your near-future thoughts without the illumination that the entheogen fire torch shines in the engine of personal control-thinking.

Drug-free meditation shields and veils the cybernetic control engine's workings, keeping them covered, occluded, in the dark so that they continue to function in the erroneneous mode, deluded egoic Possibilism thinking, preserving the Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control, by not turning to look back behind the mind with full light of illumination.

Entheogen-avoiding mock-contemplation is a neutered, defanged, impotent way, the egoic, deluded mind's way of avoiding feeling control power fail, refraining from pulling on the control-strings to actually test their power, a way of avoiding seeing the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control, a way of looking away from the snake.

But we must be bitten by the heimarmene snake, the rock universe worldline which we are powerless to steer away from, to test control, to fail the control test, to disprove egoic control power, to force mental model transformation from Possibilism to the Eternalism mental model of time, self, and control.

Only then can the mind rest and remain inside unity consciousness, after having won — not shirked and shrunk back from and avoided — king Buddha's zen cybernetics battle and disproof of egoic control power.

Trespassers into unity consciousness will be kicked back out through the gate by the guarding horses, bouncers, cybernetic panic control-loss seizure, the failure of practical control power that is premised on the {egoic freewill Possibilism} mental worldmodel.

— Cybermonk

Group: egodeath Message: 7390 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
gate/ guard/ dragon guarding/ angel with flaming sword guarding entrance/ gated garden/ Peter gatekeeper with key to heaven's gate refers to the inability to remain long in unity consciousness in the loose cognitive binding state before self-control seizure/ loss of control threatens, while the mind attempts to rely on the Possibilism mental model of time, self, and control

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7391 From: egodeath Date: 18/12/2015
Subject: Re: Definitions, glossary, terms, terminology, abbreviations, acrony
insiders, those on the inside, inner circle refers to the ability to stably remain inside the gated inner sacred zone that is the loose cognitive binding state without control panic struggle; without control-instability; the insiders' mind has the requisite sturdy, reliable, maturely developed Eternalism mental worldmodel of time, self, and control as well as qualified (limited; adjusted) Possibilism thinking.

Insiders know Metaphorical Entheogenic Eternalism; outsiders only know Literalist OSC Possibilism.

Copyright (C) 2015 Egodeath. All Rights Reserved.

Group: egodeath Message: 7392 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Understand it’s a world of outsiders

Recognize that practically all the current writing about religion vs. science, about entheogens, about meditation, is written by those on the outside, who do not comprehend Jesus' parables.  

By definition they are those who are predestined to still remain in their sin, in their erroneous thinking, in their Creator-given blindness and lack of comprehension.  They are fated still to be blind to the insiders' meaning.  

When someone posts about drug-free meditation being superior, recognize that you are reading the words of a 'blind' man, which refers to an outsider, a person who is frozen in incomprehension so far.  

It is inevitable and natural that these outsiders write nothing but outsiders' tripe, ignorant prattling of children, they are not even warm, not even close to understanding.  Everything they write is foolishness like King Oedipus utterances when he is initially ignorant, which foreshadow without his realizing it.

So far, I hated every page, every word of the book Science and Religious Experience: Are They Similar Forms of Knowledge?

The entire approach — which represents William James, Otto, and all those authors I have read about mystic experiencing — is wrong, bad, hopeless, based on surveys of ordinary people reporting their so-called mystic or transcendent experiences, which I consider to be based in the OSC.  

Strangely, in a list of what triggered their experience, even in surveys in the early 1970s, nowhere lists psychedelics.  

I wish I could Look Inside search at Amazon in this book to confirm, but I wonder if "nitrous oxide" has been censored out of William James.  The index is sanitized, cleansed of any mention of entheogens, drugs, psychedelics.  

The author and all these authors and the Prohibition Press publishing industry has rendered the entire subject of religious experiencing irrelevant.  Reading any passage in this book screams "irrelevant! off-track! waste of time!"  

Everyone surveyed is outsiders, the author is an outsider, all the authors whose theories he diligently surveys are outsiders — and any bit of entheogenic insight they had has been purged, omitted from this book.  

It's the same as when I say there are no books about the theory of myth.  There are books nominally about the theory of myth, but they are so totally far off-track, they are *only* misleading, only harmful, only an exercise in failure to comprehend, an exercise in putting forth dead-wrong theories that aren't even close, aren't helpful in the slightest.  

This book is beautifully representative of a perfect outsiders' perspective.  Outsiders are purely, perfectly, hermetically uncontaminated by any glimpse of relevant understanding.  

Should we look to Panofsky and the art authorities, who are perfect outsiders, to enlighten us on what the mushroom trees throughout religious art could possibly represent?  

Should we look to outsiders at Wikipedia to enlighten us on what the mysterious "MUSHROOM-SHAPED OBJECT" that SUPPORTS THE THRONE of the woman who is TURNING TO THE RIGHT TO LOOK BACK BEHIND HER while her HAND holding a LAUREL SPRIG is being WASHED CLEAN, could possibly mean?  

As an outsider, *naturally* I'm coming up purely blank: I can't think of any possible interpretation of that pair of mysterious mushroom-shaped objects that support the throne in this religious painting.

Shall we look to these outsiders to inform us on the status of drug-free meditation?  They will inevitably tell us and assert precisely what an outsider by definition is bound to assert.  

Their assertions simply indicate nothing about truth, but rather, about the status of the writer: they write what they are bound to write as an outsider.  OF COURSE he asserts superiority of drug-free meditation; by definition that's what he is fated to assert, being an outsider.  His statements merely serve to evidence that he is an outsider.  

Naturally he asserts a load of incomprehending nonsense and rubbish.  Naturally he speaks as a damned one, an accursed outsider, destined for perdition.  He's an outsider, so everything he says will inevitable collapse as part of a house built on a foundation of sand.  

A child says what a child is bound to say.  When the solution to the riddle is "words that have a repeated letter", NATURALLY the proposed words by someone who hasn't solved the riddle are only going to evidence their incomprehension, putting forth proposed words that are effectively random.  

That is how I recognize now books written by outsiders, having hundred of pages of surveys of other authors who are outsiders — we end up with a "Survey of Outsiders' Incorrect Clueless Theories of Religious Experiencing", or titled:

Science and Religious Experiencing: Are They Similar Forms of Knowledge?  A Survey of Outsiders' Incorrect Clueless Theories of Mystic-State Experiencing"

Shall we look to pre-modern cosmologists to explain Copernican model?  They inherently know only the Ptolemaic model.  Shall we read a book of phlogiston theory, to try to find an explanation of modern Oxygen theory?  Shall we read a book by the DEA, to be enlightened about the potential for entheogens?  OF COURSE NOT!  

Shall we read a book by outsiders (Zig Zag Zen) to be enlightened about how meditation comes from entheogens?  OF COURSE NOT — THEY ARE OUTSIDERS, DUMMY!  They assert the exact load of nonsense and foolish ignorant presuppositions that they are made to assert in their blindness, in their outsider state of perfect complete incomprehension.

Shall we look to Panofsky, speaking for all the art authorities, who are all outsiders, to enlighten us about what their so-called "mushroom trees" that they "have discussed" mean?  OF COURSE NOT — THEY ARE OUTSIDERS, DUMMY!  

Recognize outsiders as such!  Of *course* they spout nothing but a load of completely off-base rubbish that only misleads people — that's exactly the inherent nature of outsiders!


Group: egodeath Message: 7395 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
The hyphen in Morse code is transmitted as the letter H surrounded by dashes:

dash H dash
H is four dots:  ….
To transmit a hyphen, as in SELF-CONTROL SEIZURE GATE, transmit a dash, then the letter H, then a dash; that is:
dah dit dit dit dit dah
That is inefficient, so it is more likely to omit the hyphen; 
Group: egodeath Message: 7396 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
Plot over time, how many of the Catholic elites were insiders, who understand 100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism?  

In the end, when the mind is perfected (fully developed through encounters with the loosecog state), the result is my ultra-compact useful model just like the equations of electromagnetism.  

The Egodeath theory is like a math formula: it is tight, efficient, compact, extremely summarizable.  Half-developed theories are messy, big, complicated, unweildy.  But the theory *converges* into the beacon of a most-compact form.  

Great minds, inspired minds, think alike, they follow the beacon to the top of the mountain, where the beacon itself is simple and bright and clear: 100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism.  
This is why it is not unlikely that Catholic elites have comprehended the Egodeath theory in its extreme compact developed form: because anything less than that is less coherent, less clear.  

Things get really clear and strong and bright when you keep your eye on the most extreme formulation, which is the most simple and the most overpowering; the feedback loop locks onto the most extreme, peak resonance, the most self-consistent, extreme position that is possible to formulate.  

That is the natural point of reference, the most efficient and extreme and compact formulation.  
Keep your eye on the most natural point of reference, that all religious mythology is 100% Metaphorical; and that all religious experiencing is 100% Entheogenic; and that all revelation and mental worldmodel transformation is 100% Eternalism (hyper-Calvinism with heaven and hell strictly metaphorical, God as creator of all control-thoughts).
Carl Ruck might be literally and historically correct that grape alcohol wine was a base for any and all combinations of visionary plants.  
But a more useful extreme compact efficient theory point is arguably the position that mixed wine was standardized cave cultivated mass-produced psilocybe wine with grape alcohol wine base.  
For the purposes of efficient theory, it can be considered true that mixed wine was always cave-cultivated psilocybe wine.  
Profundity and extreme focused explanatory power (Hoffman), vs. precision in every diffused detail (Ruck).
A non-goal for the Egodeath theory is detailed historical accuracy.  
The first order of business is not precision of trivia, but rather, defining a useful point of reference: the extremest simplified version of the Egodeath theory: 100% Metaphorical 100% Entheogenic 100% Eternalism.  

An example of how precision of trivia detail brings down clarity, is around 150 AD, enlightenment was simply a matter of awakening to our imprisonment in Rock; awakening to Heimarmene (the rock universe).  

Around 250 AD things become less simple, when competing brands of transcendence marketed transcending Heimarmene, transcending no-free-will — which led straight to regression and delusion, the unenlightened Modern era, where transcending no-free-will was a freewill delusion recovery project.  

The extremest version of the Egodeath theory is that which targets the heyday of Heimarmene, Luther Martin's book Hellenistic Religion, staff of Asclepius the healer, around 150 AD, not the blurring, later, confusing efforts to in some sense "transcend fatedness" (which practically results in regressing to freewill delusion and confusion).
Group: egodeath Message: 7397 From: egodeath Date: 19/12/2015
Subject: Re: Understand it’s a world of outsiders
The Egodeath theory is especially designed to be the simplest possible, clearest point of reference, the most distinctively identifiable, thus the world's most broadly useful theory, serving as a point of reference, THE point of reference, which all future discussions and theories need to begin in reference to.

100% Metaphorical; 0% Literalist
…. 100% ahistoricity of ancient religious founder figures (Jesus) & writers (Paul)
…. 'wine' refers to psilocybin
100% Entheogenic; 0% OSC
…. intense loose cognitive association state, not tightcog/ordinary state
100% Eternalism; 0% Possibilism
…. single preexisting future, not manyworlds; Einstein/Bohm/Parmenides, not Bohr
— Michael the simple minded

Author: egodeaththeory

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